These six words of Nam Mô A Di (Yi) Đà Phật are the essential keys of Vô-Vi Meditation Method. By mentally invoking those six vibrational words from the top of your head, with consistent practice, you will create a flux of pure energy. This is the result of the harmonization of your miscrocosm and macrocosm. It generates from the development of your six essential psychic centers that fuses with the rhythmic universal vibration.

  • NAM: Its final resonance will be concentrated at the point between your eyebrows or the frontal psychic center.
  • MÔ: Its final resonance will be concentrated on the top of your head which is the cranial psychic center.
  • A: Its resonance will go to the re- nal psychic center.
  • DI (Yi): Its resonance will be con- centrated on the heart or the cardiac psychic center.
  • ĐÀ: the final resonance of ĐÀ will vibrate over all the pores of the epidermis from where light and color will emanate. ĐÀ represents the radiation of spiritual energy.
  • PHẬT: Its final resonance goes right to the navel. PHẬT is concentrated at your navel or the umbilical psychic center.

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