Vô-Vi, the science of "non-being", introduced initially in VietNam, is now practiced on five continents. Generally, Vô-Vi practitioners are vegetarian, non political, and are of various religious persuasions. They are from all economic levels, all ages and all backgrounds. Their one common goal is to reach spiritual perfection. That is, to restore the equilibrium within, to return to their original state of supra-nature and to reach soul liberation and independence. Each person evolves individually at their own rate of growth, to perfect their health, then stability of mind and harmony with the universe.
The name "Vô-Vi" in the most simple term is void of void or nothingness — the point to which the practitioner is moving, and the means to this end is through meditation.
Meditation is a very personal action. It is practiced by following the instructions of the author, who received his method from his Master. The method produces individual spiritual achievement.
This natural philosophy, presented in a spontaneous manner, can help the practitioner to become more aware of himself. The practitioner will have the opportunity to release his karma by following the instructions presented in the Vô-Vi Method.
Each person is to see himself as a living bible, and this revelation becomes clear as he advances in the practice of meditation. The individual can experience total harmony with the universe by purifying, developing and directing his energy toward the highest frequency to reach the central source of energy. This can be attained when the pure energy is wholly concentrated on the topmost part of the cranium. The technique is fully explained in the final portion of the video and the book.