Saigon, July 15th of the 1958 lunar calendar


Today is the full moon day of January 1961, the year of the Buffalo.

The start of the year is being marked with a spirit of constructiveness and challenge.

The year of the Mouse has come to an end to welcome back the year of the Buffalo. I continue to practice my spirituality. My goal is to gradually follow Mr. Tư’s arduous journey and to share his experiences with others. Hoping what he sought after and conquered will be beneficial and practical for us to apply in our daily lives and spiritual journeys.

full moon day of January 1961, the year of the Buffalo


The start of the year is being marked with a spirit of constructiveness and challenge.

Even though the year of the Mouse has come to an end to welcome the Buffalo back, I remain able to practice my spirituality. I aim to gradually follow Mr. Tư’s difficult journey, which he conquered and sought to apply to both our daily lives and spiritual journeys.

The challenging life of a man necessitates continuous practice for advancement. Being close to the elderly friend is a blessing from God and Buddha. He serves as a genuine example that inspires us to think about and anticipate our efforts in choosing the true path of Vô-Vi.

Sydney, March 20, 1997


My name is Lương Sĩ Hằng, born in 1923, and have lived in this living world for 74 full years. I have engaged in practice and learning, and have overcome countless lies and deceptions in this impermanent life.

I once had to endure painful scenes ravaged by war, both physically and mentally, from the lightness to the heaviness of my body and mind. I felt extremely hard for myself and the people, so I always wanted to find justice in society and in Heaven and Earth.