Ô Hey! Ô Hey!

Dear, dear, dear, very dear

Love, love, love, really love

Come together, love and live in peace.

Ô Hey! Ô Hey!

Life is temporary

Joy, grief, egotism, and such will hinder our return.

Ô Hey! Ô Hey!

No more chaos and disorderly

Love, Serenity is the Homeland of Soul.

Era of Happiness

Dear Vô-Vi friends,

Paving the way to the New Era, Master Lương Sĩ Hằng - Vĩ Kiên had written a proverbial poem that was set to music. The song is Kỷ Nguyên Di lạc, which serves as the opener for all Vô-Vi activities:

Ô Hey! Ô Hey!
Dear, dear, dear, very dear
Love, love, love, really love
Come together, love and live in peace

Ô Hey! Ô Hey! Life is temporary
Joy, grief, egotism, and such will hinder our return.

Ô Hey! Ô Hey! Era of Happiness relieves sorrows
Love and forgiveness will deepen pure love

Ô Hey! Ô Hey! No more chaos and disorderly
Love, Serenity is the Homeland of Soul.

Ô Hey! Ô Hey! Self-perfection, self-awareness is everlasting
Lucid mind to end delusions.

Ô Hey! Ô Hey! Love, love, love, real love
Dear, dear, dear, very dear
Come together, love and live in peace.
Ô Hey! Ô Hey! Ô Hey!

Master Lương Sĩ Hằng - Vĩ Kiên sings 'Ô Hey' together

History Of Vô-Vi Multimedia Communication

Vô-Vi Multimedia Communication, which is considered a charitable organization in Canada and the United States, was established by Master Lương Sĩ Hằng - Vĩ Kiên on March 13, 2003.

After many challenges and obstacles, starting on January 12, 2009, Master Lương Sĩ Hằng - Vĩ Kiên officially authorized and notarized Vô-Vi Multimedia Communication to have complete authority in preserving the spiritual and cultural heritage of Vô-Vi teachings and to correctly follow the principles and precepts that He established in his 50 years of preaching the Dharma on earth.

Vô-Vi Multimedia Communication

The Ten Rules of Spiritual Practices

To attain Bodhisattvahood, we must diligently cultivate these ten rules and implement them consistently, on a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute, and second-by-second basis. In the future, we will be valuable assets to society. Our practice here and in the future will involve traveling to places where we can positively impact others, extending beyond our practice. Without consistent practice, achieving results is not possible.

My sincere gratitude for your attention.
Lương Sĩ Hằng – Vĩ Kiên
Arrowhead, California, April 21st, 1986

The Ten Rules of Spiritual Practices

seven passions¹: joy, anger, blind love, hatred, sadness, pleasures, fear
six desires²: wealth, beauty, fame, gastronomy, sleep, lustfulness
five viscera³: heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys
six bowels⁴: gall bladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, bladder, triple burner

The Seven Rules of Vô-Vi Media Communication

Vô-Vi aims to follow 10 Rules of Spiritual Practice and in particular the seven rules that Master Lương Sĩ Hằng - Vĩ Kiên proposed for Vô-Vi media communication. The spirit of the media content should be dedicated to the following:

  • (1) Promote constructive and elevated thinking.
  • (2) The method must be practiced diligently to ensure truthfulness in writing.
  • (3) Post news that pertains to the Vô-Vi community.
  • (4) Avoid sharing articles or prophecies that may disrupt the energy of the meditation practice.
  • (5) Post useful articles, such as ones that can help increase serenity in dealing with current situations.
  • (6) Contribute to peaceful coexistence, edifying spiritual life, and striving for serenity and spiritual growth.
  • (7) Avoid criticizing anyone, except to enhance spiritual contributions.

The Origin of the Vô-Vi Logo

After being present at the 1993 Vô-Vi Grand Function in Belgium, Master Lương Sĩ Hằng-Vĩ Kiên traveled to Germany, where he was able to attend the grand opening of the Trí Tâm Meditation Center in Frankfurt. With the participation of many fellow meditation practitioners, the Master Lương Sĩ Hằng-Vĩ Kiên illuminated and watched over the inauguration of the Vô-Vi Friendship Association in Germany. The Association's executive board was also established on this day.

On the way to Quy Thức Meditation Center in southern France, Master Lương Sĩ Hằng -Vĩ Kiên and his entourage made a stop at Nguyễn Hải Âu's house in Bodensee, Germany. While at this location, we observed Mr. Phạm Xuân Bằng designing the association's logo. After seeing it, Master Lương Sĩ Hằng -Vĩ Kiên created a sketch on a piece of paper, as seen below, and informed us that the three circles represented Heaven, Earth, and Humanity.

Based on Master Lương Sĩ Hằng – Vĩ Kiên's sketch and lecture, Mr. Phạm Xuân Bằng and a group of us sketched many different designs to present to the Master, who finally selected a design by Mr. Phạm Xuân Bằng. His logo design was in a form of a person meditating with a bright auric field circle covering the head. This image is the three energetic circles of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity.

The most prominent circle on the bottom of the image represents Earth. The lightest and thinnest circle on the top represents Heaven. The Humanity circle is in the center, right above the Earth Circle, surrounded by the circle of Heaven. Due to current technology at the time, the logo had no colors and could only be represented by three circles.

The Vô-Vi Friendship Association in Germany used the image of this logo as the cover for their first publication of the " Vô-Vi Activities" newspaper in January 1994. An exclusive copy was given to the Master for review prior to mass production. Copies were sent to various meditation centers worldwide as well as all Vô-Vi practitioners. Since then, the logo has been featured on the seal of The Vô-Vi Friendship Association.

Upon completing the Logo, the Vô-Vi Friendship Association and the Executive Board Members in Germany presented the Master with the engraved seal bearing his name as the owner. As seen in below image:

While at the 1994 Vô-Vi Grand Function in Canada, Master Lương Sĩ Hằng-Vĩ Kiên explained the meaning of the logo as follows:

The logo is 'Energy'. The flow of energy is similar to that when we meditate. Our logo is about energy. Due to the momentum of Cyclical Breathing Without Retention, these three circles flow harmoniously in the body. When we close our eyes, we can see the light projecting out, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Dear Master, are these three circles a representation of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity?

Heaven, Earth, and Humanity are composed of energy. These three circles of energy are evolving, and modern civilization is trying to comprehend and explore this energy. That is why we continuously practice as we have not fully understood this energy and because we are still caught up in our worldly affairs. The future of our society can be a great one if there were more people practicing this Vô-Vi method. These practitioners will then one day help others through self-awareness and be a great asset to the society. Once they comprehend the principles of Heaven and Earth, their lives will be filled with peace and happiness. No matter where we go, we will still be within these three circles.

So, regarding these three circles with Earth being located on the bottom, Heaven on the very top, and Humanity in the center, which serves as the link between Heaven and Earth?

That is Heaven, Earth, Humanity, the Trinity. These three circles composed of all energy. Our ability to walk and run on the face of this earth is greatly due to energy. Everything is composed of Energy.

On January 21, 1995, the first Vô-Vi Musical and Cultural Show was held in Frankfurt with the theme title called 'Dual Existence of the Ordinary Life and Spiritual Perfection'. The Vô-Vi logo was utilized as a backdrop at this spiritual concert and future shows held annually to introduce the spiritual path to worldwide community.

The Vô-Vi Logo was first introduced to the public, as seen in the image above, and the logo is kept and exhibited at the Minh Tâm Meditation Center in Germany.

In 1998, during the Vô-Vi musical tour 'Messenger of Peace' in Cairns, Australia, the Master guided us on the color choice of the Vô-Vi logo. In particular, the flag must have a blue background. With the Master's approval, it is now possible to use the Vô-Vi flag.

In 1999, Master led Lê Văn Liêm through the process of computer-aided redesigning of the Vô-Vi logo and flag, including the addition of color.

The Master then led Vô-Vi Multimedia Communication to officially register the logo for copyright protection. It eventually gained the status of a trademark for the Method of Buddha Dharma's Vô-Vi Transcendental Science, which is what we are using in the Vô-Vi community today.

Summarized by Trí Tâm & Phạm Xuân Bằng
Vô-Vi Magazine, year of 2005

Our precept

What does 'Precept' mean?

Q: What does Precept mean?
A: The Precept is the basis of the meditation method.


Precept once acquired will develop spiritual wisdom
Practice with sincerity genuine love will unfold
Calmness and tranquility will return us to our original source
Develop genuine love will illuminate the meditation method

Monaco, March 2nd, 2002
Lương Sĩ Hằng – Vĩ Kiên
(Excerpt from Baby Tám Talking to You, Mục Bé Tám)

Vô-Vi Multimedia Communication is responsible for serving the practitioners through the media network, promoting Vô-Vi Dharma within the community and safeguarding its spiritual and cultural heritage, which includes books, audio, and video, in an effort to prevent superstition, mutilation of documents, or commercialization.

(This is the handwritten autograph of master Luong Si Hang - Vi Kien. The bottom row has been re-typed for ease of reading.)