Before learning the Vô-Vi method, I practiced another method. My aim was spiritual advancement. One day, "out of the blue '' a lady approached me and taught me Vô-Vi. I was amazed at how much energy I could feel. And that was only with the preparation exercises, not the full meditation yet. So I actually carried on with my other method every day for a whole year whilst doing the Vô-Vi preparation exercises too.
One day I knew I must choose one method, one Path. So I chose Vô-Vi. I have not been disappointed. I have grown so much in so many ways. My relationship with life has become more one of certitude as opposed to getting caught up with the certainties and uncertainties of daily life. And when I do get caught up in them, I find my inner strength, emotional balance and mental clarity a lot faster. Practicing Vô-Vi is the greatest investment that I have ever made in myself . Chaos gradually turning to order, anger and hatred to Love and ignorance to wisdom…..