The Vô-Vi meditation method is a truly wonderful thing. I have been practicing this method of meditation since my first year in college and am still practicing now in my late twenties. From the very beginning I was able to obtain instant results from meditation through consistent practice. For example, the stresses and pressures of college life were greatly reduced. It allowed me to concentrate better on my studies and enjoy college more. Now that I have graduated college, the Vô-Vi meditation method has a greater impact on my life.

Through daily practice, I have changed as a person overall. And other people have noticed too. At work, when I told my managers that I meditate, they were not surprised. My manager told me that she noticed my personality and demeanor was very different from employees. I was calmer, serene and people felt good when around me. So when I told her that I meditated, she said everything made sense. As you can see, not only can you see how it will change you, but other people will see the change too.

Before I began meditating, I was just like anyone else. I would easily get upset over little matters such as when people did things not to my liking or not my way. Or I would easily worry about things that are not in our control such as family matters, what other people did, work, school, etc. After practicing Vô-Vi meditation, I noticed that those little things that bothered me before went away. For example, I used to get upset when someone said something bad about me, or didn’t have something set-up like I liked. I would be angry internally and externally at that person for a couple days. Now, those same matters don’t even bother me at all. The calmness that you have inside now erases those things that used to make you upset. That in itself is a great accomplishment. An accomplishment that would be extremely difficult to get rid of if not for Vô-Vi meditation.

We are not perfect in our character and personality as human beings. But this has been one of the only meditation methods that I have seen that, in fact, can and will change your character for the better. From my experiences, you will be able to release those feelings of anger and agitation that we all have due to the circumstances of life. It is unavoidable, but through Vô-Vi meditation, it is possible to overcome. I am not saying that I have achieved serenity and enlightenment. In fact, I’m not close. But from the stance of improving my character and ridding myself of my bad habits and behaviors, I can tell you that today, it is reduced by over 90% of what I was before. Ask yourself, what other method can improve you that much and that quickly?

Life’s hardships, worries and struggles will become a moot point if you practice the method correctly and diligently. I will attest to that with all my heart. For me, the Vô-Vi meditation method is one thing that I can never give up or stop practicing. But one must remember that it is a method that gives back to you as much as you put into it. The more you practice, the better results you will achieve. Try and you will not be disappointed in it.